Greetings OSGA,
Its that time of year for the 2025 season to kick off.
I am pleased to inform you that our tournament schedule for 2025 has been finalized. We will have the same four tournaments that we've had for the past few years. The tournament schedule for this year is as follows:
May 12-13

Shawnee Country Club
Shawnee, OK
July 21-22
Oakwood CC Enid, OK
Aug 25-26 FALL TOURNAMENT Muskogee CC 

Muskogee, OK
Oct 20-21 FALL GOLF OUTING Meadowbrook CC Tulsa, OK
The tournaments will be open to all OSGA members that have paid their $25 annual membership fee for 2025. The fee for each tournament will be $175. This is a modest $15 increase from previous years due to inflation and the clubs charging us more. The tournament entry fee covers Monday and Tuesday green fees, carts, range balls, prizes, appetizers after play on Monday and hamburgers after play on Tuesday. Complimentary appetizers and hamburgers will also be provided for wives/guests that accompany tournament entrants. Your $25 annual membership should be paid with the tournament entry fee for the first tournament you enter.
The survey that was sent out last year for tournament format indicated that about 67% of respondents wanted 2 man events. This year all 4 tournaments will be 2 man events. For those of you who want an individual event we will have a one day (Monday) individual event that will run concurrently with the 2 man event. The cost will be $25 and will be paid in cash. This is voluntary and you do not have to play in the event.
All tournament details and entry forms will be posted on our website ( at least 30 days prior to each tournament. We are looking forward to a great 2025 tournament season and encourage you to mark each event on your calendar. Any Questions text Terry Hansel 405 834 3301 or John Reese 405 651 5857.
You will notices that the website has changed. This was done to streamline the site and make it more user friendly. Any suggestions or comments contact John Reese 405 651 5857.
Regards, John Reese Director and website Administer.